Luke and the rest of the Disciples liked to eat, I think he is a man after my own heart! They so often describes Jesus’ coming and goings around a meal or sharing in a meal, or coming home from a meal. Meals in the early writings always take an important place in the lives of the followers of Christ. It seems that at meals Jesus said so many important things.
I am sure it was around a meal (Luke 19 1:5) that Jesus spoke about the mercy of the Father for the likes of sinners like me. Zacchauus received him into his home and there I am sure they enjoyed a meal and great conversation. Vs 7 How cool it would be to share the table with Christ.
How about the prodigal son (Luke 15:23) the son was welcomed home with a big feast. Jesus used the image of a great feast to put in plain words the kingdom of heaven, and in Luke 14:15-24. Christ uses his time, while reclined at the table to dispense another parable around and about a meal.
How about the feeding the multitudes that Jesus explained himself to be the 'Living Bread from Heaven' John 6:51” I am the living bread that came down from heaven”
OK, How about after the resurrection, it was at a meal at Emmaus two of his followers recognized the risen Jesus, and at that moment all was changed for them. (Luke 24:30)
It was so much more than food or a meal, Jesus poured over the true message of the scripture, and then he unleashed himself as the risen Messiah, broke bread and blessed them.
When we come to the communion table we are honored guests of the King, We receive not only the bread of the baker, but also the Bread of Life.
The Gospels unleash the story of the Last Supper by telling us what Jesus said he earnestly desired to eat this Passover with his disciples. (Luke 22:15). He loved his friends he wanted to enjoy his last meal with them before his agonizing death on the cross. A meal that was very special and one of the most celebrated meal of the Jewish calendar, the Passover. Jesus so longs to be present with us, with the same power that was present as at the last supper. So when we want to rush through the next communion service, remembers Jesus is never bored by our presence or in a rush for us to leave, even if we become antsy! We are nourished by the presence of Christ, our Bread of Life.
Don’t become passive spectators just looking for entertainment, but become an empowered participant in the meal fit for a King. We are given the opportunity to share in an unbelievable event; we can sit at the table of the Messiah Jesus and enjoy His company with the same intensity as those, whom we read about in the Gospels sharing meals with him in person,