I am the LORD who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God; therefore be holy, because I am holy
Who can be holy? Can it be the eastern philosopher on the mountaintop, or maybe the Benedictine Monk in the monastery of Monte Cassino, or the Guru Padmasambhava? Might just be K'ung Fu Tzu or the Swami Vivekananda?
So many people today have fallen for, and into the mystical trap of “Spirituality”, Mysticism and Kabbalah, not just the Hollywood crowd but also your neighbors and every day “Joe six-pack
But how would we define "holy"? is Holiness only for the mystic? I think not, therefore be holy, because I am holy it is not on our laurels that we rest but upon the finished work of Jesus, it is His Holiness and not our works or our delving into areas of hip pop culture that we will find holiness. We will only search in vein.
Leviticus 19-20 begins with the admonition you shall be holy. Then it continues laying out laws, rules, and injunctions about “loving thy neighbor”, don’t take revenge, and stay clear of the occult. Clearly telling us to be holy but warning us not to get caught up in “otherworldliness” and all kinds of things that would not necessarily be associated with becoming really spiritual.
The journey to holiness is not some supernatural, hidden search for nirvana but practical and available to us. Holiness can be found more in the day-to-day things we do or don’t do than in incantations and metaphysics. Seeking the Holy Spirit in our daily walk, spending time in the Word, Prayer these are the things that will lead us to holiness. You don’t need a guru, swami, monk, and séances, incense or, flowing robes, just a real living connection to Jesus, feed by our daily contact with him.
So when all is said and done, the Bible is telling us to be “set apart” from the distractions of the mystical around us. Whether it was the Egyptians and Canaanites of Old Testament or the hedonists and sensualists of today, the Bible is the same. Holiness is “a work of gradual development” {Romans 6:13} As a Christian we must be different. It doesn’t matter what the rest of the world is doing. We are a people apart. {Numbers 23:9}
From the rocky peaks I see them, from the heights I view them. I see a people who live apart and do not consider themselves one of the nations
My intent is not to make light of holy men and miracle workers. Mother Theresa did more for the sick and poor than most of us ever will, the Catholic church does more for the unborn than most Christian churches. But before we run to faith healers or send up the incense or send away for a swatch of cloth from the hip Televangelist, perhaps we first should consult the Logos, seek His will and remember what John had to say In the beginning was the Word [Logos], and the Word [Logos] was with God, and the Word [Logos] was God."
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